Spring Cleaning and Tax Dreams

Spring Cleaning and Tax Dreams

Posting this blog entry a little later than I had expected and I will blame it on good ole Mercury Retrograde.     I hope that like myself you have already done your taxes and are making progress on your spring cleaning.   “Tis the season to file and purge. ...
Food Dreams

Food Dreams

Was one of your New Year’s Resolutions to restrict your calories, avoid certain foods or go on a diet?   If so, you may find yourself dreaming of food now more than ever.   Even if you are not watching what you eat, food dreams can be so interesting.   Notice...
Work Out Dreams

Work Out Dreams

Tis the season for New Year’s Resolutions to be made and gyms to be packed…at least for the first two weeks of the year , anyway!  I would like to talk about exercising so much that it haunts you in your dreams.   Have you experienced this yet?  If  you...
Welcome to In Your Dreams Books

Welcome to In Your Dreams Books

My name is Laura Suzanne and I have an upcoming three part book series based on my column from Las Vegas Weekly called “In Your Dreams”, the first of which, “Your Dreams of Sex, Love, Romance and What They Mean” will be released on Amazon this month.  Please like and...